Our products for your pathway to impact

Impact money such as funding for green credit lines or grants passes several stages before creating actual impact. We develop scalable and replicable facilitation and digital tools along this pathway to increase, measure and report impact.

DIGITAL TOOLS FACILITATION TOOLS Refinement of pathways to impact Leveraging of Leveraging of impact money Design of impact instruments Deployment of impact money Delivery of impact Measurement & reporting of impact

Digital tools provided by aimplifin

Our digital tools are automated or semi-automated processes. They can promote the scaling of impact money flow by decreasing transaction costs and delivering quantifiable reports. These tools interfere as little as possible with existing workflows (e.g. those of financial intermediaries), ideally little or no training is necessary to use these tools, and they provide additional value added e.g. for reporting purposes.

Project Examples

A national mortgage bank refinances commercial banks which provide loans to individuals to improve energy efficiency in their homes.

Workers at aimplifin develop and deliver easy to use digital tools for eligibility checking and impact estimation for these loans.

A financial intermediary is required to report to a development finance institution on greenhouse gas emission reduction and adaptation to climate change indicators for a credit line it has received.

Workers at aimplifin design and deliver a digital reporting tool, based on the eligibility checking system.

Facilitation tools offered by aimplifin

Our facilitation tools evolve around co-creation principles and are used in strategy processes, advisory, capacity building and dialogue formats. For complex projects, several of these tools are combined in a bigger package (toolkits). We constantly refine our methodologies to increase their impact in each project.

Project Examples

A development finance institution wants to leverage public funds by activating private green finance in a developing country.

Workers at aimplifin facilitate green finance instrument development workshops, including the design of necessary support mechanisms for pipeline development and financial facilitation instruments.

A commercial bank explores options on how to deliver climate finance for their target market.

Workers at aimplifin facilitate a stakeholder dialogue on Green Capital Market development, provide an analysis of opportunities and develop a strategy to activate these opportunities.

Our commitment to creating tangible impact

Measurable impact is key to a system change towards a sustainable and fair future.

At aimplifin we are driven by how impact is actually created, so we can shape our role in providing an added value for a(i)mplified green investment pathways.

We constantly feed insights and lessons learnt back in our creative and applicable solutions to develop recommendations on how to improve the impact pathway overall.